Geheimdienst OSA

Geheimdienst OSA (Office of Special Affairs) – „Büro für spezielle Angelegenheiten“

Die diesem Büro unterstellten Scientologen kümmern sich um die Pressearbeit und das öffentliche Bild von Scientology. Zu ihrem Aufgabenbereich gehört es auch Aussteiger anzuschwärzen und ihre Glaubwürdigkeit in Zweifel zu ziehen.

Spezielle Mitarbeiter überwachen 24 Stunden am Tag das Internet, um bei kritischen Artikel gegen Scientology sofort eine Gegendarstellung zu posten um Scientology ins beste Licht zu rücken. Nicht selten finden sich zwei idente Lesermeinungen in verschiedenen Online-Nachrichtenseiten wieder, außer der Verfasser hat gewechselt.

Paulein Lombard, ehemalige Geheimdiestmitarbeiterin, gibt hier das wahre Gesicht von Scientology zu erkennen, wie Scientology Menschen kontrolliert.

Transcript, Riverside County Board of Supervisors Meeting, 7/26/11, of Paulein Lombard, former Church of Scientology’s intelligence arm, OSA (Office of Special Affairs)

“Good morning, Board of Supervisors. Thank you for letting me speak here today.

My name is Paulein Lombard. I have been a Scientologists for 30 years. In June of 2009 when the official spokesperson of the church, Tommy Davis, announced that 50 instances of violence had occurred on 22 members of the staff here in Hemet, I decided to withdraw my support to this organization.

However, in September of 2008 I was still a trusted member and I was asked by the Office of Special Affairs in Orange County, which is the intelligence arm of Scientology, they, they monitor what information about Scientology goes out to the members and to the world, and I was asked to assist with the arrest of Mr. Francois Choquette who I’m sure you are all familiar with.

And I was asked to go out to his home, which I did. I was, actually, as part of the information control that the church runs on their members I was indoctrinated to believe that all protestors were terrorists. That is the line they use to members to make it understandable that there even are protestors.

Okay, so I was, I was then asked to go to his house, which I did, and I stood in front of his house with a sign saying that he was a terrorist, that , this was the sign made by, by Scientology in Orange County.

And the day before, two members of Orange, of the Orange County organization, had gone to his neighborhood to spread leaflets throughout the neighborhood saying that Mr. Choquette was a terrorist. Scientology likes to isolate their critics from family members, neighbors and friends and they do it this way.

As part of this operation I was also asked to find out from the neighbor of Mr. Choquette, about Mr. Choquette’s source of income. Scientology likes to know this because they like to go to the employer of the critic to discredit the critic or spread lies or both. In the case of the critic being self-employed they will go and contact the clients of the critic to discredit him, to discredit the critic.

Upon my return to the organization I was also informed, if anybody were to ask me me who set me up to do this, I should tell them that it was on my behalf, I, I myself decided to do this, not the church. The church will lie and they’ll set others up to lie in order to give themselves a favorable image.

I know, Mr. Stone, you have some friends that are Scientologists. I see [?] know them personally. They used to be my friends. They have since disconnected from me. They are not allowed to talk to me anymore, okay! This is all part of the information control that is going on in the church.

Church members are not allowed to research the history of Scientology online. If they do, they, there are severe repercussions. I strongly suggest you inform yourself about Scientology.”

[Board member: “Thanks, Miss Lombard, and your time’s elapsed.”]

“I have one last sentence to make. Please read the book of Janet Reitman. It’s called ‘Inside Scientology’. Thank you for your time.”